Raw JSON query on Gatsby

Querying a JSON resource (created by gatsby-transformer-json) requires knowledge of the fields that are part of the resource. For instance, a resource may define a localised text message like below.

  "text": {
    "en": "...",
    "es": "...",

A page using this resource needs to know exactly which languages are available to include them in the page query.

The gatsby-transformer-rawjson plugin allows to publish top-level properties of a JSON node in raw form using the JSON GraphQL scalar type.

Once the plugin is added to the gatsby-config.js file, and assuming the above snippet is available in a MessagesJson resource, the raw item may be accessed using the following query:

  allMessagesJson {
    childRawMessageJson {

Without specifying any particular language, the page will get every translation available for the property text.

DISCLAIMER: currently the plugin has a very narrow set of features:

  • It will pick JSON nodes only if the are named *Json
  • It will not allow to filter the properties to be exported as a scalar. All top-level properties are exposed except for id, parent, children and internal.